In September 2019, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Southwest Region reissued the Guidelines for Salmonid Passage at Stream Crossings, originally issued in September 2001. While there has been extensive research done on the leaping abilities of adult salmonids, there is little information on the leaping abilities of juveniles. This lack of understanding has resulted in inconsistent state and federal guidelines regarding jump heights at juvenile fish passage facilities in California. To better inform, and increase operational and regulatory efficiency at dams and diversions, in 2016 the California Fish Passage Forum (Forum) used NFHP funds to support the Juvenile Fish Passage Criteria Assessment Project. The findings of this project informed some of the updates in the 2019 Addendum of the NMFS Guidelines, which included two adjustments to the design criteria, and recommendations for intended applications for projects in California. These changes have helped streamline federal guidelines regarding jump heights at juvenile fish passage facilities in California, which will save taxpayers and practitioners millions of dollars in the future.