Funded Project Map
The Forum collaborates with partners to fund anadromous fish protection, restoration, and enhancement projects to remove barriers and restore connectivity of fish habitats throughout the historic range of anadromous fish.
Lower Stotenburg Creek Fish Passage Project
Wildcat Creek Fish Passage & Community Engagement Project (Phase 2)
Hosie Low Water Crossing
Little Case Fish Passage Project
Mid-Klamath Tributary Fish Passage Improvement Project
Native Fish Passage in San Joaquin River at Eastside Bypass Control Structure
North Fork Ryan Creek Fish Passage Design
North Fork Ryan Creek Fish Passage Design
This fish passage project is on North Fork Ryan Creek, which is a tributary to Ryan Creek, a tributary to Outlet Creek in Mendocino County. Outlet Creek has the distinction of hosting the longest migration corridor for Coho salmon in California. The project site is marked by two culverts that have blown out. and a grade control weir that creates a 1.9-foot plunge during low flows. This project is the development of 100% design plans for a stream crossing that will pass Steelhead and Coho and all
life stages and all flows.
Designing for Sturgeon Passage in San Joaquin Eastside Bypass (Phase 1)
Designing for Sturgeon Passage in San Joaquin Eastside Bypass (Phase 1)
An understanding of when, where, and how White Sturgeon use the Restoration Area downstream of the Eastside Bypass Control Structure (EBCS) is needed to ensure that planned modifications to the structure and construction of an engineered rock ramp facilitate upstream migration and habitat utilization by White Sturgeon and other native fishes. This project will provide currently lacking information about the presence
and distribution of White Sturgeon in the Upper San Joaquin River and the potential for implemented restoration projects to create needed spawning habitat to bolster the SFE White Sturgeon population. Furthermore, it will provide information on flows and temperatures that may attract sturgeon and will more generally support migratory access of anadromous populations (including Green Sturgeon Pacific Lamprey) in the Restoration
Conner Creek Fish Passage Improvement Project
Grape Creek Water and Wine Project
Branciforte Creek Dam Removal
Wilson Creek Barrier Removal
Pinole Creek Fish Passage Project
Sharber-Peckham Creek Fish Passage Project
Dinner Creek Fish Migration Barrier Removal Project
Carpinteria Creek Fish Passage
Salt River Ecosystem Restoration Project
Kelly Gulch Fish Passage Project
Memorial County Park Fish Passage Barriers Remediation Project
Central California Traction Company Railroad Bridge Fish Passage Improvement Project
Manly Gulch Coho Access and Habitat Restoration Project
Juvenile Fish Passage Criteria Assessment Project.
Pennington Creek Steelhead Barrier Removal
Benbow Dam Removal
Upper Green Valley Creek Fish Passage Project
Neefus Gulch Coho Salmon Barrier Removal Project Design at Appian Way
Cooper Mill Fish Passage Improvement Project Design
Mid Klamath Fish Passage Improvement Project
Davy Brown and Munch Creek Fish Passage Project
Iron Horse Vineyards Dam Removal
Lamprey Passage at Rowdy Creek
M-1 Road Fish Passage Improvement
Seiad Creek Off-Channel Connection Improvement Design
Upper Noyo River - Skunk Train
Lamprey Passage Design for Priority Obstacles in Sacramento Basin (Phase 1)
Applying FISHPass in the Smith River Watershed
Applying FISHPass in the Smith River Watershed
Year Proposed: 2020
Status: Complete
Project leverages the effort already invested by the Forum in FISHPass and applies it to a real world example to develop an optimized list of barrier removals in on of CA’s most important watersheds for conservation of wild anadromous fish (Smith River).