Fund Your Project

New funding opportunities from grants and restoration programs from the state and federal agencies come up frequently. Finding these opportunities and keeping track of the deadlines and application requirements can be challenging. The Forum aims to help project partners discover funding opportunities for their projects. 

Federal Restoration and Fish Passage Programs 

Federal Highways Culvert AOP Program

The National Culvert Removal, Replacement, and Restoration Grant Program (Culvert Aquatic Organism Passage (AOP) Program) is a competitive grant program that awards grants to eligible entities for projects for the replacement, removal, and repair of culverts or weirs that meaningfully improve or restore fish passage for anadromous fish. Eligible entities for the Culvert AOP Program include Tribes, States, and units of local government.

CDFW Fisheries Restoration Grant Program

The Fisheries Restoration Grant Program (FRGP) was established in 1981 in response to rapidly declining populations of wild salmon and steelhead trout and deteriorating fish habitat in California. FRGP administers a competitive grant program that has invested millions of dollars to support various projects throughout coastal California. Contributing partners to the program include federal and local governments, tribes, nonprofit organizations, and private landowners.