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Steelhead/Rainbow Trout
Mid-Klamath Tributary Fish Passage Improvement Project

Mid-Klamath Tributary Fish Passage Improvement Project

Mid-Klamath Tributary Fish Passage Improvement Project Project Lead:   Salmon River Restoration Council ​Location of Project:  41.377561, -123.493405 ​Description of Project:  Since 2001, the Salmon River Restoration Council (SRRC) and the Mid Klamath Watershed...

North Fork Ryan Creek Fish Passage Design

North Fork Ryan Creek Fish Passage Design

North Fork Ryan Creek Fish Passage Design Project Lead:   Eel River Watershed Improvement Group ​Location of Project:  39.483544, -123.360645 ​​Description of Project:   This fish passage project is on North Fork Ryan Creek, which is a tributary to Ryan Creek, a...

Little Case Fish Passage Project

Little Case Fish Passage Project

Little Case Fish Passage Project Project Lead:   Eel River Watershed Improvement Group ​Location of Project:  39.68385° N, -123.51815° W ​​Description of Project:  Little Case Creek is a tributary to Tenmile Creek, one of the largest tributaries to the South Fork Eel...

Lower Stotenburg Creek Fish Passage Project

Lower Stotenburg Creek Fish Passage Project

Lower Stotenburg Creek Fish Passage Project Project Lead:   Smith River Alliance ​Location of Project: Downstream End, Lat: 41.8895780; long: -124.1480910 Crossing #1, Lat: 41.888267; long: -124.146431 Crossing #2, Lat: 41.887927; long: -124.145719 Crossing #3, Lat:...

Hosie Low Water Crossing

Hosie Low Water Crossing

Hosie Low Water Crossing Project Lead:   Stockton East Water District ​Location of Project:  38 00 22.14 N 121 04 14.56 W Description of Project:   To improve the habitat, natural production, and viability of native fish populations in the lower San Joaquin River...

Fish Passage Project Media Acquisition Effort

Fish Passage Project Media Acquisition Effort

Fish Passage Project Media Acquisition Effort Project Lead: Fast and Light Productions Location of Project:  Various locations TBD throughout the state of California Description of Project: This media acquisition project will bolster the Forum’s ability to communicate...

Mid Klamath Creek Mouth Enhancement Project

Mid Klamath Creek Mouth Enhancement Project

Mid-Klamath Creek Mouth Enhancement Project Project Lead:   Mid Klamath Watershed Council ​Location of Project:  41.30222, -123.53805  Description of Project:   Since 2001, the Mid Klamath Watershed Council (MKWC), Karuk Tribal Fisheries Program (KTFP), the Salmon...

West Tule Creek Diversion Fish Passage Project

West Tule Creek Diversion Fish Passage Project

West Tule Creek Diversion Project Lead: Water Resource and Training Center ​Location of Project: 40.52537093, -123.23820333  Description of Project: The Water Resource and Training Center (WRTC) in coordination with project partners propose to address fish passage...

Montague-Granada Weir Retrofit & Barrier Removal

Montague-Granada Weir Retrofit & Barrier Removal

Montague-Grenada Weir Retrofit & Barrier Removal Project Lead: Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District Location of Project: -122.538155, 41.709014 ​Description of Project: The Montague-Grenada Weir (sometimes called the Watermaster's Weir or the USGS Weir) is...

Applying FISHPass In the Smith River Watershed 

Applying FISHPass In the Smith River Watershed 

Applying FISHPass In the Smith River Watershed Project Lead:   Ross Taylor and Associates Location of Project:  Smith River watershed in Del Norte County, California. (41.79558, 124.05775 at South Fork confluence.) ​​Description of Project:  The primary objective of...

Upper Noyo River – Skunk Train

Upper Noyo River – Skunk Train

Upper Noyo River - Skunk Train Project Lead: Trout Unlimited​ Location of Project: 39.4183825, 123.4310594 Description of Project: The objective of this project is to restore access to 1.15 miles of steelhead and salmon habitat upstream of the upper Noyo River railway...

Seiad Creek Off-Channel Connection Project

Seiad Creek Off-Channel Connection Project

Seiad Creek Off-Channel Connection Project Project Lead: Mid Klamath Watershed Council Location of Project:  Durazo Pond: 41°50'44.44"N, 123°11'24.86"W Stender Pond: 41°51'12.50"N, 123°10'8.05"W Alexander Pond: 41°51'15.26"N, 123°10'1.63"W Description of Project: This...

M-1 Road Fish Passage Improvement Project

M-1 Road Fish Passage Improvement Project

M-1 Road Fish Passage Improvement Project Project Lead: Trout Unlimited​ Location of Project:  39.29675, -123.71789​ Description of Project: This project intends to remove and replace one stream crossing along the California State Parks, Big River Unit, M-1 Road. The...

Iron Horse Vineyards Dam Removal Project

Iron Horse Vineyards Dam Removal Project

Iron Horse Vineyards Dam Removal Project Project Lead:   Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District​ Location of Project:  38.462605 -122.89656​​ Description of Project:  Located in western Sonoma County, Green Valley Creek is considered a vitally important anadromous...

Davy Brown and Munch Creek Fish Passage Project

Davy Brown and Munch Creek Fish Passage Project

Davy Brown and Munch Creek Fish Passage Project Location of project: 34.760303, -119.953943, Project map Forum Funding Received: $44,538 Description of Project, including deliverables: Davy Brown and Munch Creeks, located in the Los Padres National Forest, are...

Mid-Klamath Fish Passage Improvement Project

Mid-Klamath Fish Passage Improvement Project

Mid Klamath Fish Passage Improvement Project Location of project: Weitchepec, CA (41.1856, -123.708611) to Cottonwood Creek (41.8881666667, -122.5438750000) Forum Funding Received: $38,680 Description of Project, including deliverables: Since 2001, the Mid Klamath...

Cooper Mill Fish Passage Improvement Project Design

Cooper Mill Fish Passage Improvement Project Design

Cooper Mill Fish Passage Improvement Design Location of Project: Downstream Project Extent -40.55923000 : -124.05789000 - Cooper Mill and Yager Creek confluence, Map COMPLETED: The objective of this project is to develop preliminary site characterizations that will...

Upper Green Valley Creek Fish Passage Project

Upper Green Valley Creek Fish Passage Project

Upper Green Valley Creek Fish Passage  Project In 2019 this project was selected as one of NFHP's annual list of 10 Waters to Watch. Learn more here. Project Photos Project Update: July 2018 Project Lead: Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District Location of...

Pennington Creek Steelhead Barrier Removal Project

Pennington Creek Steelhead Barrier Removal Project

Pennington Creek Steelhead Barrier Removal Project Project Lead: Trout Unlimited Location of Project: Latitude: 35.34360000, Longitude: -120.73280000 Description of Project: The Pennington Creek Steelhead Barrier Removal Project eliminates a barrier to migration and...

Benbow Dam Removal

Benbow Dam Removal

Benbow Dam Removal In 2017 this project was selected as one of NFHP's annual list of 10 Waters to Watch. Learn more here Project Lead: California State Parks Location of Project: 40.06566100, -123.80127200 Description of Project: This project will remove Benbow Dam to...

Juvenile Fish Passage Criteria Assessment Project

Juvenile Fish Passage Criteria Assessment Project

Juvenile Fish Passage Criteria Assessment Project Project Location: Warm Springs Fish Hatchery at Geyserville, CA Project Description: During the summer and fall of 2016, project leaders will document the leaping abilities of groups of 100 juvenile steelhead (70 – 120...

Manly Gulch Coho Access and Habitat Restoration Project

Manly Gulch Coho Access and Habitat Restoration Project

Manly Gulch Coho Access and Habitst Restoration Project Location of Project: 39.33505974 : -123.70058890 at the Manly Gulch crossing Description of Project: The project will consist of restoration and minor realignment of 600 feet of Manly Gulch, a tributary to the...